News about your business can now reach a million readers. Yes, seriously.
1,000,000 is the average reach generated by press releases and articles written at our agency. We partner with the largest Lithuanian news sites and specialized websites to put your message at the forefront of the news.
We know how to reach your potential customers in the complex world of communication.
We specialize in automotive, mobility, and tech communication. We excel in these industries; therefore, we can offer solutions to best fit your business needs.
Our content is created by 10+ of our expert journalists and the team is led by two partners:

Nerijus Alška
Co-founder, Strategist. Biophysicist, experienced CEO, Tech Marketing Specialist.
+370 612 10919

Paulius Sviklas
Co-founder, Creative Director. Business Analyst, highly experienced News Editor.
+370 686 23221
Our partners in Latvia and Estonia are two communication specialists, highly experienced within their native markets – Ilmārs Līkums and Gregor Sibold.
Our clients include Kia, Peugeot, Toyota, and other well-known brands.